CARMA Frequently Asked Questions

What fun stuff can CARMA do for me?

CARMA (Customer Automotive Records Maintenance Access) allows users; access to equipment records, ability to review and print work orders (repair invoices), to review fuel transactions, and to update vehicle mileages.

What is meant by "equipment" and what equipment is searchable?

All university-owned “rolling stock” (vehicles, carts, trailers, and in general “wheeled equipment”) can be found, along with much of the heavy equipment (forklifts, backhoes, sweepers, generators, etc.) and university-owned boats. However, your individual search may be limited to your own department and/or your area of influence depending on your access level.

What type of equipment information is available?

Most of the pertinent identifiers for a piece of equipment can be found. This includes: equipment #, Door #, license plate, VIN# or serial #, State Inventory (SPA) #, fuel fob or fuel card #, year make, model, color, fuel type, acquisition date, original PO#, equipment contact info, etc. You can also access all mechanical repair work orders and fuel transactions for a specified piece of equipment.

How do I look up a piece of equipment?

Depending on your access level, you can either look up all the equipment within your department or view a single piece of equipment.

To see all the equipment within a department: From the home page select “List Equipment” tab, select your department from the drop down menu, and then click “Go.” To see more detail along with the repair orders, and fuel transactions, click one of the orange equipment #’s in the left column. This page will display the last years’ worth of work orders (mechanical repair invoices) up to a maximum of 15 invoices. The page will also display the last years’ worth of fuel transactions up to a maximum of 15. You may select and review any of the listed repair orders for greater details.

To see a single piece of equipment: From the home page select the “Equipment” tab, and choose from the drop down menu either: door#, equipment # or license #. To look up by Door# or Equipment # you must enter 4 alpha/numeric characters. For example, Door 001 has to be entered as 0001, Door #144 must be entered as 0144. This will bring up recent work orders and recent fuel transactions. Click on an individual work order # to see the details including parts, parts costs, and shop notes.

What is the process for entering vehicle/mileage?

When an equipment record is displayed, it is displayed in the “details” page as a default. To enter current vehicle mileage, select the “Mileage” tab (near the top of the page, left side). This form functions like the WV3 and WV4 pages from DEFINE. Enter your mileage and save.

How is my access level determined and how do I get it changed?

Requests for access, or a change in access level, should be sent to Access changes will require authorization from a department head or a signer on the account.

How do I change the equipment contact information and/or the charge account number?

For vehicle contact changes or account number changes, send an e-mail message to, or you can click on “Account Update” in the upper left hand corner of the page. This will automatically create an e-mail for you, just fill in the description of what you need. Changes will require authorization from a department head or a signer on the account (someone who has the authority to change account info)..