Vending Machines

Refund Request

Service Request

Vending Machine Locations

Vending Services
PTS oversees vending machines for the university's classrooms, garages, and office buildings with the exception of Residential Halls. For Resident Hall vending machines, please contact the Division of Housing and Food Service. The University of Texas works with three vending contractors, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Canteen Vending to offer a broad selection of popular as well as healthy products from over 450 machines.
How do I get a refund?
- Residential Halls are serviced through Housing and Dining.
- For all other University locations, please fill out the online Vending Refunds form. This will alert the vendors and the university vending coordinator. Vending machine refund requests are processed toward the end of each month.
How do I get an empty machine refilled?
- Residential Halls are serviced through Housing and Dining.
- For all other University locations, please fill out the online Vending Service Request form. This will alert the vendors and the university vending coordinator.
How do I report that the machine is out of order?
Follow the same directions as "How do I get an empty machine refilled?" above.
Why won’t the machine give me my money back when it’s out of a product?
The vending machine has a sensor that instructs the machine to give a refund after money has been deposited and the refund button has been pressed on account of product delivery failure.
I have a fantastic product. Can I place a couple of machines on campus for a test?
All vending at all UT System institutions is governed by UT System Policy 130. All vendors are selected through a competitive bidding process to bring the best value to the University.
Why do the machines keep breaking down?
The university has close to a million vending transactions per year on campus, and some wear and tear is normal for machines considering this frequent use. Each year, there are about 500 refund requests and around the same number of refill or repair requests. Many incidents go unreported. PTS urges you to take full advantage of the online resources for submitting service and refund requests.
Why don't we have more coffee machines on campus?
There have been coffee vending machines at two test places on campus for several years. In general, the coffee vending machines have been expensive to obtain, required modification to the building, break down more frequently than other machines, and do not generate as much business at what are otherwise very high-volume locations.
How can I get further information on vending at UT?
Contact the vending coordinator by sending an e-mail to