State Fueling Mandates
Texas State HB432 (2009) requires all State Agencies (including UT) to procure alternative fuel vehicles, (AFV’s), and to use alternative fuels whenever available. The University supports the fueling requirement by providing a variety of alternative fuels which can be accessed by all State Agencies.
Fueling Options
Onsite Fueling
If you are in Travis County, you should use one of the two University fuel stations. One station is located at 2720 Innovation Blvd. on the Pickle Research Campus, and one is located at 1500 Manor Rd, (intersection of Manor Rd and IH-35, Bldg. FC7). Special Prokees are required to use these stations and are available at the Manor Rd. automotive shop. Each vehicle is assigned a unique Prokee which should be used only for that vehicle. Prokees can also be enabled for "other" equipment such as lawn mowers, carts, generators, etc. and will also activate the car wash and vacuums. Outside Agencies may use either a Voyager Fuel card or a Prokee, to purchase fuel at either station.
Manor Rd Facility: Self-service fueling is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Hoses 1-4 are for unleaded gasoline, hoses 5 & 6 are E85, hoses 7-8 are diesel (B5), and hose 9 is for propane.
PRC Facility: This too is a self-serve facility but is only open during regular business hours. Hoses 1 & 2 are for unleaded gasoline. Hoses 3 & 4 are for red dyed diesel and can only be used in off-road equipment. Hoses 5 & 6 are for regular diesel (Ultra Low Sulfur diesel, or ULSD).
Offsite Fueling
The state contract for retail fuel purchases has been awarded to US Bank – Voyager. Therefore all state agencies and institutions are required to use the Voyager Card exclusively for commercial fuel purchases. Most fuel/repair facilities that accept MasterCard will also accept the Voyager fuel card. When traveling outside of Travis County, a State issued Voyager fuel card should be used to purchase fuel. To request a retail fuel card, see the Voyager Card Program.

Report a Lost / Stolen Retail Fuel Card
To report a lost or stolen card, please call University Fleet Operations at 512-471-4668 or e-mail us at