Bike/Scooter Registration

Bike Sharing (MetroBike)

Orange Bike Project

Double Lock Your Bike
Prevent your bike from being stolen. Buy quality locks and double lock it.
Bicycles are a popular transportation option around campus and Austin as a whole. Bicycling is a significant component of university's plan to reduce local traffic congestion and air pollution. Each year we continue to work on improving bicycling on campus.
Bike Rules & Regulations
All state and local laws pertaining to bicycles will be enforced on campus. This enforcement includes traffic and parking regulations. Measures to enforce these regulations may include warning notification, impoundment, citation, and/or immobilization (“booting”).
University-specific regulations are as follow:
- Campus speed limit is 15 mph.
- Bikes may not ride on sidewalks.
- Bikes must yield to pedestrians.
- All bicycles parking on campus must be registered with Parking and Transportation Services.
- Bicycles secured to anything other than a bicycle rack are considered improperly parked.
- Any bicycle considered abandoned, lost, stolen, or improperly parked or stored may be impounded at the owner’s expense.
- The university is not responsible for any incidental damages that may occur to bicycles or locks during the impoundment process.
- If a registered bicycle is impounded, the owners will be notified and have 90 days from the date of impoundment to re-claim their property before it is deemed university property for disposal purposes.
- Bicycles are not allowed in any building unless stored in an area (office, storage room) approved by the appropriate department head such as a director or dean.
Contact BikeUT
- 512-471-5891
- email bicycle@utexas.edu
- Follow us @bikeut