Expect Heavy Traffic and Wait Times
Arrival: Please plan for traffic delays and allow extra time for parking. Have your pre-purchased permit out before you reach the gate.
Departure: We highly recommend that you DO NOT exit at 5 pm, as there will be very long wait times to exit the garage into surrounding rush-hour gridlock traffic.
A parking selection is required to complete registration. Brazos Garage has limited availability. Only those who pre-purchase parking are guaranteed a space and the lowest rate.
When you purchase a permit, we strongly recommend you select "Create Account" during checkout. This will allow you flexibility to manage, change, or redownload your permit.
Freshman Orientation Parking Selection
Three-Day Parking Pass | Allows students driving themselves to campus to store their vehicle in the Brazos Garage during their orientation session | Item: $36.51 | Purchase Now Venue Selection: Gregory Gym |
First-Day Parking Pass | Allows family members to park their vehicle in the Brazos Garage for their one-day orientation session | Item: $12.17 | Purchase Now Venue Selection: Gregory Gym |
Drop-off Only/ Two Hours (includes those using rideshare) | Allows up to two hours for drop-off in the Brazos Garage on the first and last day of orientation | Item: $2.77 | Purchase Now Venue Selection: Gregory Gym |
Pickup Only/ Two Hours (includes those using rideshare) | Allows up to two hours for pickup in the Brazos Garage on the first and last day of orientation | Item: $2.77 | Purchase Now Venue Selection: Gregory Gym |
No Parking Needed | No parking will be provided, including areas to drop off or pick up, on the individual days of orientation | $0 | Select |
If your plans change, YOU WILL HAVE THE ABILITY to alter the parking choices you make today.
Arrival/Departure Recommendations
First-Day Arrival
- The permit you purchased online will be used to enter the garage. Have it out and ready to scan upon entry. While there will be staff directing traffic, you will need to scan your permit at the entry gate to get into the garage.
- For directions on how to scan your permit's QR code at the gate, see Orientation Garage Access.
- We will have staff directing traffic. Please follow their directions. They may ask you to enter at another gate, continue driving higher up the garage ramps, or to park in a particular space in order to facilitate traffic flow. Failure to follow their instructions may cause accidents and/or more congestion in the garage.
- Please expect normal Austin rush-hour delays, and heavy traffic and congestion around Brazos Garage. Plan accordingly.
First-Day Departure
- The permit you purchased online will be used to exit the garage. Have it out and ready to scan when exiting. While there will be staff directing traffic, you will need to scan your permit at the exit gate to get out of the garage.
- For directions on how to scan your permit's QR code at the gate, see Orientation Garage Access.
- Please follow the directions of staff at the exit. They are there to ensure traffic flows out of the garage as quickly as surrounding city street traffic will allow. Failure to follow their instructions may cause accidents and/or more congestion in the garage.
- We highly recommend that you DO NOT exit at 5 pm as areas surrounding campus will be in typical rush-hour gridlock.
- Stay late and entertain yourself on campus until 6:30 pm or 7 pm. Traffic will be lighter, and your all-around experience will be more enjoyable.
Last-Day Departure
- The permit you purchased online will be used to exit the garage. Have it out and ready to scan when exiting. While there will be staff directing traffic, you will need to scan your permit at the exit gate to get out of the garage.
- For directions on how to scan your permit's QR code at the gate, see Orientation Garage Access.
- Please follow the directions of staff at the exit. They are there to ensure traffic flows out of the garage as quickly as surrounding city street traffic will allow. Failure to follow their instructions may cause accidents and/or more congestion in the garage.
- We highly recommend that you DO NOT exit at 5 pm as areas surrounding campus will be in typical rush-hour gridlock.