PRC & WPR Visitor Parking

Pickle Research Campus (PRC) Visitors

Visitors to the PRC campus are required to obtain a visitor permit from either of the Pay and Display kiosks or from their visiting department. The daily permit cost for visitors on the PRC campus is $6 Pay and Display kiosks are located here.

Departmental Arrangements

Departments should plan accordingly when bringing guests to campus. Remember that everything begins and ends with parking on campus, so planning ahead ensures your guests have a positive experience.

West Pickle Research Campus

One-Day Visitor

Departments may purchase one-day visitor permits for $6 each. To purchase complete the VSP form and send to Provide the account number you want us to IDT and how many PRC/WPR only scratch-off permits you want to purchase. Departments can purchase as many and as often as needed. Most departments start with 10-20 and then repurchase when the stock dips below 5 permits. One purchased you must pick up the scratch-off permits from the Trintiy garage cashier’s office. One-day visitor permits will be kept in the department and given to the guest upon arrival to the department location. These visitors do not need to stop at the guard kiosk.

Multiple-Day Visitors

If you have a guest that will need parking for multiple days, fill out the Event Parking Request Form. Once this form has been submitted, someone from the PTS office will send you an approval by e-mail with further instructions. Visitor parking at PRC is $6 per vehicle per day, so an IDT (Inter Departmental Transfer) Number will be required. All vehicles are required to display a valid Pay and Display permit or multi-day permit obtained through the Event Parking Request form. Multiple-day visitor permits will be kept in the department and given to the guest upon arrival to the department location. These visitors do not need to stop at the guard kiosk.

Visitor parking Lots E and F (see map) at the West Pickle Research Campus are reserved for visitors only and require the display of a valid Pay and Display permit. Pay and Display permits are purchased at the kiosk in Lot F (see map). Faculty, staff, and students may not park in these lots without the payment of the daily fee from the Pay and Display kiosk. Faculty, staff, and students must have a permit and park in Lots A-D or G (see map). Departments wishing to purchase parking permits for visitors should follow the instructions in the Departmental Arrangements section. The one-day visitor and multiple-day visitor options are valid at PRC or WPR.