Parking Meters
Contactless Meter Parking with ParkMobile
Use the ParkMobile app to avoid the spread of germs through contactless parking payments. Easily find and pay for parking from your phone without having to touch the meter.
How to Use the ParkMobile App
- Enter the zone number by referring to nearby signage or using the map.
- Select the duration of time you want to park.
- Confirm your information and start your parking session.
- Monitor your session and extend time remotely if needed.
To Change the ParkMobile App to Spanish
- Make sure you have the latest app version downloaded.
- Set your iOS or Android device language setting to Spanish.
Parking Meter Fees
There are nine metered parking areas at convenient locations throughout main campus. You may park up to 2 hours purchasable for $1 per 15 minute increments Monday thru Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. If more time is needed, please park in a garage. Parking at the university meters after hours and on the weekends continues to be available for $1 per hour.* Metered parking in Lot 116 near the Development Office Building is $5 per day.
Meters require payment activation 24/7. Meters may not be used as loading zones with emergency lights flashing.
Persons showing a valid disabled hangtag or license plate may park at the meter at no charge for the maximum time allowed by the meter.
* does not include Lot 116
Malfunctioning Meters
To report a meter as malfunctioning, please call Conference Center Garage at 512-471-6126. Personnel will be sent to repair and/or verify the meter. Calls are logged for reference. You will need the meter number and your vehicle license plate. Should you receive a citation at a meter after reporting it as malfunctioning, you can appeal the citation. If it is verified as malfunctioning, you are logged as reporting it, and you are parked at the meter for no more than 2 hours, the citation will be dismissed.
Warning: if you are parked at a malfunctioning meter for more than 2 hours, you will be issued a citation for parking over time at a meter.
Loading Zones
You can park in any Loading Zone (LZ) space throughout campus for up to 30 minutes with your emergency lights flashing. These spaces have signs indicating they are loading zones. They do not require a permit but time restrictions as well as the use of emergency lights are strictly enforced 24/7. Be aware that moving a vehicle and re-parking it in the same area does not extend the original time restriction from the initial parking.
Parking Meters

- Limited to 2 hours during the day
- Requires payment
- Enforced 24/7
ParkMobile App
- Avoid touching the meter
- Get parking expiration reminders
- Extend your time remotely (when available)
- Save your favorite zones
- Available in Spanish
Loading Zones
- Provides 30 minutes of parking
- Vehicle flashers are required
- No permit is required
- See Loading Zone locations