Bike Sharing (CapMetro Bikeshare)

CapMetro Bikeshare offers a convenient option for bicyclists to get around campus and the city without having to buy or maintain their own electric bicycle. Purchase your pass, find your nearest Bikeshare station and unlock a bike all within the new Bikeshare app. Stations are set up throughout campus and the city, and students, faculty, and staff get membership at a heavily discounted rate!

Membership Info 

Membership Info

  • Annual membership allows unlimited 60-minute rides, and access to any CapMetro Bikeshare station.
  • All students, faculty, and staff have access to reduced price of only $12 annually. That's a significant discount on the typical full-access annual membership of $86.60.
  • The signup process is simple: once a student or staff member fills out the University of Texas at Austin Bike Share form, they are sent a promo code, which reduces the price of annual membership from $86.60 to $12. All trips over 60 mins are charged $4.33 per additional 30 minutes.


CapMetro Bikeshare Station Locations

  • There 7 bikeshare stations on or near main campus, with an additional 4 stations spread across the west campus area.
  • Bikeshare stations are also set up across the surrounding area of campus and Austin’s Downtown district. CapMetro is unveiling new Bikeshare stations through a rolling launch for the next few months. Please check the following webpage to view the opening status and locations of our stations.

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