UT Austin Students,
With summer parking permits expiring August 15, 2023, permit renewals, waitlist selections, and open sales for the fall will begin soon. Parking options to help serve students who will need a permit as well as those who will only be bringing their vehicle to campus occasionally are listed below.
Garage Permits

Students qualify for an R (resident student) or S (student commuter) permit, depending on if they are dorm residents or non-dorm residents. Space in most garages is limited, so new permits are sold through a waitlist selection and include strict entry and payment deadlines.
- Dorm Residents – After room assignments are made, typically mid-July, University Housing and Dining will send out emails with information on how to enter the R Permit Waitlist Selection. If you miss the waitlist selection deadline, remaining garage permits will go on sale August 8.
- Non-Dorm Residents – If you are a current S permit holder, you will be able to renew your permit online beginning June 27 through July 7. If you did not have a previous S permit and want one, you can enter the S Permit Waitlist Selection beginning June 27. If you miss the waitlist selection deadline, remaining garage permits will go on sale August 8.
For instructions on how to purchase and renew permits, see Student Permit Renewal & Purchase Instructions.
Surface and Hybrid Permits

Students can purchase and renew C, C+, D, D+, M, N, and N+ (surface lot, surface lot and evening garage, ADA, motorcycle, and evening/weekend) permits online through My Parking Profile beginning on August 8. These permits do not have a renewal deadline and can be purchased any time for a pro-rated price.
For instructions on how to purchase and renew permits, see Student Permit Renewal & Purchase Instructions.
Parking Without a Permit

Non-dorm residents who will only be parking on campus occasionally this fall and do not need a permit can use the Student Parking Perks program for low-cost occasional garage parking. All students also have the option to park in a garage at a rate based on the amount of time parked.
Other Transportation Options

For other transportation options such as CapMetro and UT Shuttles, car and van pools, bicycles, and electric scooter information, visit the Transportation page.