Faculty/Staff Fall Parking Permit Renewals, Purchases, and Deadlines

Whether you’re traveling or relaxing, we hope you’re enjoying this summer. As we gear up for the upcoming year, now is the time to plan for your parking and transportation needs for the fall. We offer parking options to serve faculty and staff who will need a permit as well as those who will only be bringing their vehicle to campus occasionally. These options are listed below.

Fall Permit Renewals

Fall Permit Renewals

Emails will be sent to those who are eligible to renew their permit on the following schedule:

Permit TypesLocations/DescriptionRenewals Open
San Jacinto Garage
Rowling Hall Garage
Lot 26
July 15
F13, F15, F18
Speedway Garage
Lots 13, 15, 18
July 18
F11, F16, F21, F36
San Antonio Garage
Nueces Garage
Lots 11, 16, 21, 36
July 22
F19, F22, F32, F35, F52, F59, F99
Brazos Garage
Lots 19, 22, 32, 35, 52, 59, 99
July 25
F20, F24, F31, F37, F39, F56, F97
27th Street Garage
Conference Center Garage
Lots 20, 24, 31, 37, 39, 56, 97
July 29
F14Lot 14July 31
Manor Garage
Trinity Garage
Guadalupe Garage
East Campus Garage
Health Center Garage
August 1
D, D+
N, N+ 
surface lot
evening shift
O spaces
August 1


Permit holders will not be able to purchase or renew their permit early. Access will not open until the emailed renewal date.

Please renew your F permit for the fall by August 20 if it is waitlisted (see permit table under "How to purchase"). Permits that are not waitlisted can be purchased at any time for a prorated price.

To learn how to renew permits, see Faculty/Staff Permit Renewal & Purchase Instructions.

New Permit Purchases

New Permit Purchases

For those who are not renewing a permit, eligible faculty and staff can purchase non-waitlisted permits online through the PTS Portal beginning on August 1.

Most F permits are waitlisted. For those interested in getting a permit for a waitlisted location, see the F Permit Waitlist page for information.

To learn how to purchase permits, see Faculty/Staff Permit Renewal & Purchase Instructions.

Occasional Parking

Occasional Parking

The Occasional Parking Program for Employees is a low-cost parking alternative for staff and faculty who need occasional access to the University garages. For just $5 per day, staff and faculty can access participating garages with the ability to enter and exit the garage throughout the day at no additional cost. This program offers the opportunity for substantial discounts from the regular garage daily rate. This option is ideal for those who will be parking in garages fewer than three times per week.

Other Transportation Options

Other Transportation Options

For other transportation options such as CapMetro and UT Shuttles, car and van pools, bicycles, and electric scooter information, visit the Transportation page.

New Permit Purchases
July 1, 2024
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