Only those eligible for F permits can waitlist for a garage or surface lot. (For students, see student waitlist.) All twelve university parking garages and many surface lots have a limited number of spaces reserved for F permits.
Surface Spaces
Surface waitlist ranking is based on your job title and, within the same title, by salary.
Garage waitlists rankings are two tiered. A&P and Faculty are ranked first based on your job title and, within the same title, by salary. Classified are ranked after A&P and Faculty titles on a first-come, first-served basis.
Job Titles
- Administrative and Professional (A&P) Personnel - Employees who serve at the pleasure of the President and have managerial or administrative responsibilities. A&P personnel perform the duties associated with a recognized profession, are salaried, and are eligible for benefits. Their positions are distinct from those of classified personnel and faculty.
- Faculty - The faculty at The University of Texas comprises all tenured and tenure-track Professors, Assistant Professors, and Associate Professors. In addition, many non-tenured faculty members teach at UT campuses: Instructors, Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, Assistant Instructors and Teaching Associates, Teaching Assistants, Faculty Associates, Specialists, Researchers and Clinicians, Visiting Professors, Endowed and Honorific Chairs and Professorships, Regental Professors, and individuals who hold an Emeritus status.
- Classified Personnel - Employees whose positions are not academic, administrative, or professional. Classified personnel may be employed full-time or part-time, are paid either monthly or hourly, and are benefits-eligible. Position titles are descriptive of the work performed, may be generic or specific, and can use numerical indicators, letter designations, or descriptive adjectives.
Waitlists are fluid and position can change based on the criteria above so you may see where your position moves up and down over the course of time. The amount of time you will have to wait depends not only your ranking, but also on turnover in your waitlist choices.

How to Join
If the garage or surface lot you are interested in parking currently shows WAITLIST on the Availability Table, please access My Parking Profile to get on the waitlist.
PTS allows only two active F permit waitlist selections combined between garage and surface waitlists.
Spaces for garages and surface lots with a waitlist are filled only as permit holders leave. Spaces usually become available each month but the number of spaces that open up is unpredictable. For this reason, the wait will likely be a minimum of 18 months and possibly longer.
Your name will remain active until a space becomes available or you cancel your waitlist request. We call off the waitlist on a regular basis and request your patience, as we will eventually get to your name.
Once a space becomes available, you will receive a time-sensitive email offer and you will have the chance to accept or decline. If you do not respond by the date listed with each offer, your name will be removed from the waitlist and the space will be offered to the next person on the list. If you are given a higher priority offer, you will automatically be removed from the lower priority request.
Please be aware that as a condition of having multiple list selections, when your name comes up for one of your waitlist choices, and you decline the offer, your name will automatically drop from all waitlist choices.
Please make sure your e-mail address stays current with PTS if you are on the waitlist.